Pelvic Health Physiotherapist


Specialty services

Pessary fitting for pelvic organ prolapse

Ongoing pessary management

Pre and postnatal pilates classes

Therapeutic ultrasound for mastitis


Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain

Exercise prescription for women (pregnancy, postpartum, menopause)

Other Musculoskeletal concerns

Pelvic health

Urinary incontinence and urgency

Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic Pain

Pregnancy and preparation for birth

Please note telehealth is now available for pelvic health, musculoskeletal and exercise appointments!

Extended hours are available for Telehealth appointments including Thursday evenings and Saturday during the day. Book via booking link and follow prompts for ‘Lauren Pelvic Health Physio Online’ at Foundation Physio Co for appointment times


Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is central to helping you manage your Pelvic floor symptoms. Whether you are leaking, have pain, or think you have a prolapse, a Pelvic Health Physio can help.

Assessing your pelvic floor muscles can give us a lot of information about your condition, and a Pelvic Health Physio can provide you with advice including pelvic floor exercise, pelvic floor release, relaxation, lifestyle advice, symptom management strategies, and bladder retraining.

If you are pregnant, come in and learn about pelvic floor dysfunction, preparation for labour and birth including perineal massage and pelvic floor relaxation, and prepare for recovery postpartum. A Pelvic Health physio can also help you with any pelvic floor concerns during your pregnancy and help you rehabilitate postpartum.

Pessary fitting

Vaginal pessaries are a fantastic management option for pelvic organ prolapse. A pessary is a medical grade silicon device that is inserted vaginally, and either lifts your prolapse or occupies space, stopping your prolapse from descending.

Vaginal pessaries can be fitted in clinic. With the option to trial different sizes and styles, we have the ability to get the right fit for you. We would normally work in conjunction with your GP to manage your vaginal pessary, to ensure your needs are being taken care of.

Pessaries can be used by women of any age! They might be a device you use all the time, or maybe just when your prolapse is most prominent, like during exercise. Pessaries can also be used to manage urinary incontinence.

Pre and postnatal pilates

These group classes include a maximum of 5 people per class, and are held in the beautiful Korpermotus Pilates Clinical Studio. Babies are welcome in the class (if they’re not on the move!)

The class is tailored to your needs, and it is recommended to book a 1:1 initial assessment before attending pilates if you are a new patient, or new to pilates.

Classes currently run on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:30pm.